
her dress, my dress {wiws}

Did you see the weekly wallpaper for BlessedIsShe?
"As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." You better grab it now. It's very pretty! as usual.

I am late at posting our OOTD since we went to 10:30a Mass. This post is truly What I Wore Sunday... Instead of What I wore to Vigil Mass.

You cannot see my pendant -- but I am wearing my Sacred Heart of Jesus pendant via Axis Mundi Etsy Shop. We did not get a chance to take close up photos of accessories because Lucy was already crying in the car. My grandma had to yell out: come now, Lucy is crying. 

My priorities are  just a teeny bit messed up. Feed baby or take photos???

This Kensie dress is one of my faves from my thrifting surge last year. Do you know there are shops on instagram? That's where I got this pretty dress and I LOVE IT! I am glad it fits again. Still a little snug from last year but I will still take it! 

little steps...

Isabel joined me again this week. I am more comfortable with pictures when I am with them. Derrick said: it's because I try too hard when I am alone... yup, I agree.

This is reality. This is me.
I love being with the children and posing with them.

Bellie and I are starting a new thing.

It's just so cute. I am thankful she is loving and not shy to give her mama a kiss.... in public! in front of an empty shop.. next door to the nail spa. In front of the parking lot!

on me: Kensie dress, thrifted // Bellini wedges via zulily
Michael Kors bradshaw watch // Rings and bangles from my mama
Vintage Chanel Classic Double Flap Bag, in small from trendlee 
(use code: disisd for 5% off!)

on Isabel: watermelon dress, gift // pretty bow also a gift
her pretty smile, 50% mine 50% hubs

I am generous this week for Mass Grades:
Daniel gets an A. Isabel gets an A-. Lucy gets an A++.
Bastian..... C? 
The family behind us mentioned that they are expecting another grandchild in October. her daughter already has a 2 yo. Sshe said she was taking notes how we handled Bastian and the rest of the crew. She said we did it well.... 


There's still time to enter the LuLaRoe giveaway, so click that the amazing rafflecopter!

Alrighty, see you all dear friends! Happy Sunday!

linking up with HollySarahDorandaMorgan, LeanneElizabeth, Elena,  Madeline,  DanielleGrace, and Brooke.

Thank you for reading! I can be found on:
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  1. Your dress is fantastic! I can't believe you just had a baby. I can never wear shirt dresses because I am pear-shaped, but you are rocking it.

  2. You guys are so sweet! I love those kissing photos so much! :)

    Thank you so much for linking up with me last week and don’t forget to come back every Wednesday to link up with me again!
    Take care and keep in touch!


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