
pink + brown

Mixing and matching things in my closet is one of the reasons I love to blog about my outfits. I am the type to "plan ahead" my outfits for the week. yes, per week! M,T,W,R, F check... that was when I was in college or med school pre-children era.

With my three little bears and chores, I am lucky when I plan what I wear the next day. Instead of planning my outfits for the week, I still make sure I know what I am wearing the next day.

Reason is I end up wasting time in the morning if I do not plan ahead.  My morning prep time is very precious! I cannot waste a second or minute.  

When I do not plan ahead, I almost always waste time the morning of -- looking at tops and bottoms and shoes and accessories! 

Express top // Express tank // Jcrew skirt (thrifted) // Naturalizer booties

linking up with Sarah, Elena, Sherry, Doranda and Lindsay!

Thank you for reading! I can be found on:

1 comment:

  1. You look fabulous in pink, Sarah! Love how the brown adds a nice autumn flavor. I totally hear you about mornings- they can be so crazy with little ones. I find myself planning my outfits while I'm pumping breastmilk hhaha.


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