
Thrifting, Cooking, Exercising {five faves}

Linking up with Hallie for my weekly Five Faves

1. ThredUp

Thrifting is addicting. I found some really cute, gently used baby and kids clothes on ThredUp. Thanks to Grace and Kimmie for opening my eyes to this online shop. I wish I have the endurance of Katie, Karla and Shalice to physically go to thrift stores. I tried this before -- back in the day. I just both what might look good (?) and end up giving up pretty much what I got from thrift stores. Maybe, I can go back and try again.... but with 3 kids in tow, online shopping is my friend.

Check out my finds for my babies.

2. Vegetarian recipes

I am on the hunt for delicious, easy vegetarian recipes. This showed up on my bloglovin feed. Does it count as favorite even if I haven't tried the recipe yet? I do like casseroles and broccoli and cheese and rice! I think it counts!

If you have any recipes for mattar paneer, send them my way. PLEASE! Is there a healthy version out there? I found this. Mattar is hard to find at places I usually shop (Costco and Target). I suggested substituting with TOFU. Hubs disagreed.

3. Edamame

Thanks to my friend, M, this addition to my lunch salads makes my day. every. single. time. I love the crunch. I love the protein. I love the taste. i love that it's healthy!

And guess what: instead of popping all the beans out of the pods, I found shelled soybeans at Super Target.

4. FitSugar

I posted about my new found workout on YouTube. Here's another one of my go-to workouts: 40 minutes of full body workout and 40-minute bikini body workout. You can find them on youtube or online. If I am pressed for time (which I usually am during the week), I combine 2-3 of their 10 minute workouts.

Try them. let me know what you think!

5. Pandora Pop and Hip Hop work out station

This is what I have blasting on my iPhone when I workout. LOVE IT!

It was very nice Monday and Tuesday. I worked out at the backyard while watching the children play. or climb the swing.... whatever.

Keep in touch

1 comment:

  1. So, you recommend Thred-Up, too (as does Hallie). I'll have to check it out. Your wedding photo on the side bar is lovely. As a side note, I'm Filipino, too ... U.S. born. :o)


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