
Medical Mondays

Well, hello there. I am co-hosting MM for the second time! Yay!
For the first time I co-hosted Medical Mondays, check here... instructions for the link-up below.

I'm a mom of three and a new attending. I finished my 5 year residency in 5.5 years because of three maternity leaves.

This month is oh-so-special for all our Student Doctors MS4. It's match day month! I am wishing Erika the best... For all those who are not familiar with match day, let me give you a quick run-through. Med Students on their 4th year apply and interview for residency spots. To get the spot, it's not the usual: program offers you a spot and med student accepts the offer (like in the real world when applying/interviewing for a job). Late February, med students submit their rank list. Just as the name implies: MS4s rank #1 program they want to end up training, then #2 and so forth. Residency programs also submit their rank list. same thing: if they want FutureDoctor1 in their program, then he is #1, if they want FutureNeurologist in their program, rank her #2.... and so on and so forth.

The best "MATCH" is when a student ranks the program really high and the program ranks him/her pretty high and it's a match made in heaven!

Child Neurology was an early match in 2008. I knew where I would be for PGY3-5. But match day was still very important. That was when I found out my PGY1-2 residency program.

In our school, match day is a big day. Envelopes were handed out to all 250+ students. We all got up there and announced our residency spot. Then there was the after-match party... and of course, after-party PARTY (if you know what I mean!)

I kept my match letter.

And look how young I looked! wow... this was 6 years ago. crazy how fast time flies.

^^Dr. Pathologist photobombed two of my picts^^

so there you go.... good luck to all our student doctors! May the MATCH force be with you.

I love blog-hopping and checking out all your posts so link.it.up.
Thanks Emma and Jane for letting me co-host again.

March Medical Monday Link-Up and BlogHop

Are you confused if you qualify for the party?

If you have a pager interrupting your life... you DEFINITELY qualify!
Do you work in healthcare?
Doctor? Nurse? EMT? Chiropractor? Vet? Dentist? Therapist?
Are you the spouse or SO of a healthcare worker/student?
Are you a nursing student? Medical student?
Intern? Resident? Fellow?

You get the picture, right? Come on, now... don't be shy! Let's keep growing and meeting new bloggers, so we can build a community of support and friendship, learn from one another, and share our stories.


Here are the rules:
  1. Follow your co-hosts via Bloglovin, GFC (if you are Blogger), FB, email or Twitter.
  2. Link up you medical/med life blog. If your blog name does not clearly state how you fit in to the med/med life world, please write a little intro or link up a specific post which clearly demonstrates your connection.
  3. Visit at least 3 other link ups, comment, introduce yourself, and tell the your stopping by or following from MM!
  4. Help spread the word by using our button on your post or sidebar, tweet about Medical Monday, or spread the word on Facebook! The more the merrier for all of us.
Complete step one by following your co-hosts:
Want to be awesome? Help us spread the word by grabbing and posting the Medical Monday button on your post or sidebar...

Want to co-host next month? Shoot Jane an email at fromadoctorswife@gmail.com and be sure to write "Medical Monday Co-host Request" in the subject field.

Now, link up below and have fun! The link up is open through Friday, so be sure to come back during the week to check some great reads!

Let's keep in touch:
  • Facebook


    1. Anonymous3/03/2014

      You're an attending now! So exciting. Congrats :)
      Our residency applications are nothing like your Match programs. Most days, I'm kind of thankful for that. It seems intense!

    2. Thanks Sarah :) Can't believe we will find out in a few weeks! It can't come fast enough :)

    3. Thanks for hosting MM! Three littles AND an attending...super woman! My husband is a 4th year med student, so Match Day is looming for us (18 days and 3 hours, but who's counting?). It's terrifying and exciting.

    4. Thanks for co-hosting with us for the second time... I hope it won't be the last. Your blog is pure happiness:-)

    5. Match day in the states sounds so stressful! What happens if someone goes unmatched, do they have to announce it? In Canada it's all on the computer so we can check privately or with other people.

    6. Stopping by to say Hi via MM Blog Hop! Thanks for hosting this month!

    7. It really is true how times flies, even in medicine when it seems to drag on forever! My husband is 4 months away from graduating fellowship and the past 7 years of residency? You guessed it-flown by. Keep up your amazing work :)

    8. Anonymous3/03/2014

      I kind of like that you guys get letters for your match. Mine was entirely on the computer, so although I took a photo of the screen, I don't have lasting tangible proof of my match (other than that I work there now).

    9. Stopping by for Medical Mondays! Congrats on your new "attending" status! So exciting!

    10. Thanks for hosting!!! I'm so happy (and grateful) it worked out!! :)

    11. match week is always so exciting, congratulations on all your new milestones and titles


    Thank you for your comments!