
Blazers + statement pieces + movie {five faves}

Linking up with Hallie

1. Timer cam app
This free app is my back-up photographer when hubs is not around. So when you see weird shots in the sunroom or in the dark living room, you'll know why.

2. Statement pieces

This outfit is not really super remarkable. When I try to tone down my outfits (ie not a lot of bold colors or pink), my go to colors are black/black or grey/white/black combo. But then I long for something that says: ME.
So I add a statement necklace. (Similar)
I add a beautiful purse. (Similar)
I wear polka dot tights. (Similar)

What do you think? Too much for orientation?

3. Ripped jeans
I am obsessed with ripped, distressed jeans.

If you follow me on IG, I already posted this outfit I wore at a 5 yo party.

A friend asked: so do you just post exceptional outfits? Or you post almost everyday?
My answer was: it helps me figure out pieces that do work or do NOT work. I mix and match and try to get inspiration on how to get the most out of what I already have in my closet.

4. Blazers

I have blazers in the back of my closet ignored for years! Cos first, I cannot button them because of expansion postpartum chest wise. Secondly, I gave them up during residency because they were too bulky underneath a white coat. But oh my, blazers add so much to outfits. So I am back to wearing them... And loving them.

5. The kings speech
It's $4 at our target. Got it yesterday!

Also linking with Lindsey.

Let's keep in touch:


  1. Anonymous3/20/2014

    Ahhh I love that movie! Which Target? Or do you think it is at all Targets?

  2. Nice outfits! The King's Speech is such a great movie!

  3. love the timer cam app and your blazers! so cute!!


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