
Bastian, the Color Run, owl pellets and more {7qt}

1. Slimming down

My Bastian, just like his brother and sister, is slimming down. He used to be in the 25th percentile for his weight. Blame it on genes (good genes, I hope). My children are meant to be on the 3rd-5th percentile on both height and weight. Hubs and I were not blessed to be 5’11, ya know.

6 months well child check:
weight 14 lb 11 oz
length 26 inches

2. BSB
Do not unfollow me for this confession.

My sister and I are (possibly** most likely ***) going back to the same place we saw the BSB for the first time! And we thought that that concert was the last time they perform together as a group. It was the last tour before AJ went into rehab.

Two professionals: a physician and a nurse, both going back to a BSB concert as if it was 14 years ago! We are making signs this time!

3. smart1s

My sis, mom, sis’ mom in law are walking/running the color run in May. I could not come up with a funny team name. I kept racking my brain for something funny, something glam, something pink. But not everybody in my team loves PINK! Especially since we are bringing the older kids (Daniel, Nathaniel and Isabel). So I came up with smart1s. Good enough!

Thanks mom for making us tutu’s for the run. I cannot wait to see mine. I think I am going to wear leggings instead of shorts. Leggings that are worth spraying with cornstarch based powder paint.

4. new (to me) blogs
Here are just a few blogs I have found…. Now following.

Beaninloveblog ~ Been following Sheena on IG. We both have Sebastian’s. And I love what she is doing with her house. I wish I am as crafty as her.

Beautyofthepicturebook ~ Thanks for visiting my blog, Divina! I love picture books. She’s going to be my go-to blog for picture book recs.

My FIL and I took the 3 kids to the museum yesterday. I volunteered us to join the detective agency. I saw “dissection” and “learn” and just volunteered us. As Daniel and Isabel lined up to enter the room, I realized we were going to dissect an owl pellet? Owl pellet? What is that? How bad could it be? I thought they will give us props? Nope, not at the best children’s museum !

So there I was, dissecting a fur/feather hair-ball looking owl pellet! Eewww… My son was into it. I was going to take a picture but forgot…. Good, I did not want to touch my iphone. We found 2 skulls with rodent teeth, jaws, scapula, pelvis, ribs, femur, front legs… eeeewwww….. I used the forceps and sticks. But not my other dissectors. They just went for it and dissected the pellet with their bare hands. The museum staff assured us that the pellets were sterilized (high heat) so they were safe to touch. Then they gave us hand sanitizers to clean our hands. I still went to the bathroom and used soap and water after the dissection. i wish they gave us gloves.

Oh yeah, our assessment: Our owl was one hungry owl. He ate two rodents.

6. Husband speaks

Talking about fitness

Me: Do you think it’s too late to have a fitness goal?
D: Hmmm...
Me: like a handstand?
D: isn’t that hard? A HEAD stand?
Me: No, handstand...
D: hmmm...
Me: ok how about a forearm stand?
D: (still looking doubtful)

Thanks, D, for your confidence in me.

7. picture I am sharing

This is what happens when one lets a 2 year old choose an outfit for the day.


Happy Friday. Check out jen and her snoop dogg concert!

Keep in touch


  1. Thanks, Sarah for mentioning me. I wasn't expecting that. You're awesome!

  2. The color run is so darn fun, I loved it! At least at the one that we went to, most people walked...we ran the whole time and it did not seem like a 5K because it just went so fast and was so fun. I wish I would have worn a tutu though!

    Bastian is looking so cute :)


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