
Food + lipstick + Calcium {five faves}

Linking up with Fountains of home for my five faves this week. We miss you Hallie! Get better, Lord kiddos.

1. Herb roasted pork loin
I'm always looking for recipes that are easy and yummy in our tummy. This one hit the spot. The kids didn't like *seeing the herbs. So I pretty much just served them the middle of the roast (without the edges). The roast stayed moist.

We like ours a little more well done. I cooked the roast with internal temp of 160-165F.

2. Chicken lime soup
Another recipe from budget bytes that's easy, yummy and healthy! I added quinoa to make it a one-bowl meal. My hubs and children added cooked white rice.

3. Revlon Cherries in the snow #440
This is my new lip shade! Bright and peppy!

4. Kirkland pistachios + mint choco chip ice cream
My carb addiction meets my nut addiction. I love Edy's chocolate chip ice cream. One weeknight: I had this bright idea to add pistachios! I love pistachio ice cream so why not???

5. Vita fusion calcium supplements from Costco
These babies are on-sale at Costco this week. I am always low on my Calcium intake. I don't like tums or calcium carbonate! It tastes like chalk! So why not these gummies, huh?

That's all folks!
Give them all a try!

Let's keep in touch:


  1. Pretty lipstick shade! And I cannot stand chalky chewable vitamins or meds. A lot of our dialysis patients take 2-3 Tums with every meal to bind w/ their phosphorus and I don't know how they do it!

  2. Ohh I want that ice cream now! Looks great!


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