
Whirlwind week {7qt}

I'm joining Jen et al for 7 quick takes Friday after missing last week.

1. I've got excuses for missing the party last week.
-- it was my first week back at work which means I'm on a need-to-get done basis. As much as I want to bore the internet with my back to work lamentations, I had to figure out working full time, making dinner, getting kids ready for bed, pumping etc.
-- I did want to blog. But blogpress was acting up on my iPad. And I was lazy to turn on Derrick's computer.

2. It's wintertime in Indy!
I went from this, to this, to this.
No complaints for this weekend. Highs up to the mid-50s yo!!!

3. Kudos to my Mamey!
My mom made it through the week babysitting Isabel and Sebastian. Kids were fed and changed and healthy so no complaints.
- except she let Daniel watch power rangers from 3:30-5:15p on Tuesday
- Isabel only ate banana and mangos for lunch one day because after Isabel said no to chicken, she didn't offer anymore
- Sebastian slept in her arms all day the first two days
Do I sound ungrateful???!!!
What an ungrateful daughter!

I Truly appreciate mom babysitting! Truly. Gratefully. I survived yet another work week because of family's help. Thanks Mamey!

Kids didn't have to bundle up when it was 19 degrees cold one morning. We (especially me!) were spoiled! It's like a nanny coming to our house! Will you do it again, mom???

4. Prayers
Please pray for the typhoon victims in the Philippines. So, so sad.

5. HG
Who's excited for the premiere of hunger games: catching fire? I made plans this week to see it opening weekend with a friend! It's my favorite book of the trilogy so I'm super excited!

6. Sebastian's saint name twin
I met Sebastian's saint name twin at my finger printing appointment (of all places!) the guy patiently took my fingerprints (now ink less) and made small talk. Yep, a tad weird that he was holding my fingers and scanning them. I also brought Daniel and Sebastian. Sebastian was in my arms and I alternated holding him with my left then right then two more changes.
He asked Sebastian's name and immediately said: I like that name! It's my confirmation name. Patron saint of sports!

I agreed: yeah patron saint of athletes!
(Hmmm what an unexpected place to meet another catholic AND discuss saint names!)

He asked for Daniel's middle name. Once I said Isaac, he said what a strong name. And that I did a good job giving my boys strong names.

Then off he went criticizing north west and apple. (Oooops!)

7. I leave you with a painful scene. This just breaks my heart seeing Sebastian cry. His left leg is clearly achy. He's in pain. I nurse him on my right, left leg close to my chest and he cries and cries. There's a knot from the injection site -- which can happen with the prevnar vaccine. I felt the knot on my other two kids' legs post injection. But they weren't in pain.

Sebastian is clearly hurting.
I told my husband: we learn and experience new things with each kid. We will never be experts. And that's ok.

May his night be soothing, calm and less painful.

Happy start of the weekend to all.

Let's keep in touch:

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby Sebastian! Hope he's feeling better now.


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