
Medical Mondays


I'm so excited to be co-hosting medical Mondays with Emma and Jane. This blog hop is a great way to find new reads and meet new blogger friends.

Today is an awesome day to cohost MM. I'm finishing my child Neurology residency pretty soon! It's really been a long road since I told my parents I want to be a doctor when I was in grade school. Fast forward to college and premed courses ~~ MCAT and medschool interviews ~~ first day of med school to graduation ~~ the night before my first day as an intern/new doctor to my last year of residency. I'm definitely counting the days!

I'm also a mother of three, whose pictures are all over this blog. Sebastian, my youngest, is 2 months old today! Happy 2 month old birthday, baby boy!

Here are some posts I've written for medical Mondays:

My first post joining MM

Pregnancy and residency

Breastfeeding and residency

Let's be friends! Follow me on this journey!

Are you confused if you qualify for the party?

If you have a pager interrupting your life... you DEFINITELY qualify!

Do you work in healthcare?
Doctor? Nurse? EMT? Chiropractor? Vet? Dentist? Therapist?
Are you the spouse or SO of a healthcare worker/student?
Are you a nursing student? Medical student?
Intern? Resident? Fellow?

You get the picture, right? Come on, now... don't be shy! Let's keep growing and meeting new bloggers, so we can build a community of support and friendship, learn from one another, and share our stories.


Here are the rules:
  1. Follow your co-hosts via Bloglovin, GFC (if you are Blogger), FB, email or Twitter.
  2. Link up you medical/med life blog. If your blog name does not clearly state how you fit in to the med/med life world, please write a little intro or link up a specific post which clearly demonstrates your connection.
  3. Visit at least 3 other link ups, comment, introduce yourself, and tell the your stopping by or following from MM!
  4. Help spread the word by using our button on your post or sidebar, tweet about Medical Monday, or spread the word on Facebook! The more the merrier for all of us.
Complete step one by following your co-hosts:
Want to be awesome?

Post our button on you post or sidebar and help spread the word:

Want to co-host next month? Shoot Emma an email at yourdoctorswife@gmail.com and be sure to write "Medical Monday Co-host Request" in the subject field.

Now, link up below and have fun! The link up is open through Friday, so be sure to come back during the week to check some great reads!

Keep in touch


  1. What an exciting time - best of luck to you!

  2. Stopping by from MM! New follower here :) Looking forward to connecting!

  3. Hi from Medical Mondays! Excited to start following your blog. My husband finished Ortho residency this past June and is now doing a fellowship. You must be superwoman to have 3 kids and be almost finished with residency! - Chrissie @ Pursuits of a Witty Life

  4. Anonymous11/04/2013

    Stopping by from Medical Mondays!
    I remember reading your breastfeeding in residency post a few MM ago and I read the ones you linked to this time. Thanks for sharing... It gives those of us in residency and thinking about babies hope!

  5. Thanks for co-hosting this month!

  6. Thanks so much for cohosting and helping us spread the word! :)

  7. Congrats on the end of residency!! My husband is doing his fellowship and the culmination of all the hard work is to be celebrated woo hoo! Great blog I'm popping over from medical Mondays.


Thank you for your comments!