
Belly bump update #32

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

How far along are you?
32 weeks

Picture above makes me look tiny. It's an illusion folks. Yeah true I haven't gained any weight in the past month {miracle} but my face nor belly doesn't look that small. I think it's the angle of the shot?
Best Moment this week?
Tons of birthdays this past week: my hubs, Prince George, Lucy (Kayla's baby girl), Grace.
Katie also celebrated their 3rd yr wedding anniversary. And it's world youth day in Rio.
Prayer requests?
Praying for the victims and families of the bus crash here in Indy. My family and I were just around that area running errands for Daniel's school supplies. So heartbreaking, so sad.
Baby's growth?
weight: 3.75 pounds
Length: roughly 16.7 inches long
Aches here and there
Weight gain?
Walk, walk, walk
No formal exercise, but I make sure to take the stairs. It sure is embarrassing after a flight or so. I'm huffing and puffing.
Cravings? Food Aversions?
I haven't been cooking anything with raw meat. But I will eat it if I did not smell it while it's cooking or didn't see it raw. I can make you toast and bagels if you come over and visit! My hubs has been a big help. He's not a cook but he is trying. I love when he makes me scrambled eggs.
Still no to bacon....
Lots of frequent awakenings... Tossing and turning.
Maternity Clothes?
Yep. And some nonmaternity tops Iike the orange top I'm wearing above. it's loose and perfect for the belly.
Surprise, surprise. We don't know.
Baby D3 is a mover.
What I miss...
Sushi, moscato
What I'm looking forward to.... {or enjoying right now! }
Enjoying the rest of the summer with my kiddos. Kinda like the last hurrah before the little one arrives.
About the rest of the family...
Something I'm Excited About....
My sister is expecting! Fun fact: her due date is 5 months after mine. Our firstborns are 5 mos apart. Daniel born in July, Nathaniel born in December.

Linking up: babies and beyond at proverbs and pacifiers and beauty in the mess.


  1. You look so great!! I love hearing about pregnancy updates. It'll be a nice memory for you too so you can look back and remember the times when your baby was growing inside you.
    Ugh.. constipation really is the worst though! I was so excited to achieve my first normal bowel movement after I gave birth! haha okay that was way too much information. Can't wait to meet the little one!!

  2. Your pregnancy seems to be flying by! At least for me, lol!

    You look wonderful! And congrats on a new niece or nephew!

    Thanks for linking up!


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