
Belly bump week #13

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart...
Jeremiah 1:5

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

How far along are you?
13 weeks
Best Moment this week?
Capturing Isabel's fake smile which is a duplicate of Daniel's and Derrick's
Prayer requests?
Heard about the furlough?

If the federal government doesn't make a budget deal many of the 2.1 million federal employees could be furloughed from work starting in April. In the Defense Department, 800,000 civilian federal workers would have to take one day a week off without pay for 22 weeks starting the last week in April. Other departments are also expecting furloughs for civilian workers. - source <

My hubs is one of those employees that could be furloughed, having to take one day a week off WITHOUT pay. So far our budget will be able to accomodate this cut-back in pay. But it will be tight. I have to do my part and STOP shopping. Asking for some prayers that whatever the decision, I hope it's for the best. I trust God's plan.

What scripture is speaking to you this week?
It's not scripture but Christ's words to St. Francis of Assisi. "Francis, go repair my Church, which, as you see, is falling completely to ruin."
We have a new Pope!
Baby's growth?
Size of a medium shrimp: almost 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce.
It has been a good week. The headache I have is from my congestion. i only have nausea in the morning.... But please don't let me smell anything too strong. I'm still super-sniffer!
Weight gain (or loss)?
Nothing really
Food Aversions?
I make crock pot recipes for the fam --- and I don't eat them. I guess I see the meat uncooked, I smell the food then I'm turned off.
Maternity Clothes?
Bella band
Hubs thinks it's a girl
My mom thinks it's a boy
We will just have to see
None yet
What I miss....
My other skinny jeans that won't even fit my thighs..... Yes, I'm giving them up this early in my pregnancy.
What I'm looking forward to....
Feeling the baby move and finding out the gender
Thoughts from the family....
My firstborn has been kissing my tummy before going to bed. What a sweet boy. I don't ask him to. He just automatically say good night belly.

Linking up:
With the ladies at MyJoyFilledLife.

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